TODAY’S DEVOTIONAL (Monday 14th June 2021)

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!

For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.’ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. Isaiah 14:12-15 NKJV


We give God the glory for keeping us alive and watching over us. It’s a new day from Him and we will rejoice and be glad in it. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD.

Filling our hearts with Heavenly knowledge on how to deal with things that trouble us on this side of eternity is very vital in life. If we lack Heavenly knowledge ewe will be filled with earthly knowledge. Earthy knowledge cannot deal with so many things that trouble us on this side of eternity; especially witchcraft.

Before Christ came to our nations, cities and villages, there have been witchcraft issues. Witch doctors have been the ones dealing with them. Poor humans; how can witch doctors truly deal with witchcraft matters? They are all witches but on different formats. That explains why many lost their lives to the manipulations and power of demons.

Until the gospel came, using witchcraft to deal with witchcraft was the norm, and it did not work any positive end because Satan cannot and will not cast out Satan.

Sadly, when the gospel came, it got polluted somewhere and some so called deliverance ministers in Church started using witchcraft to deal with witchcraft again. We are having the same consequences that our fathers had in their days for doing it with witch-doctors.

But God has smiled on our generation in this part of the world by giving us a book that is helping us to deal with witchcraft without practicing witchcraft. Today we are continuing with excerpts from that book (OVERCOMING WITCHCRAFT BY THE GREATNESS OF GOD’S POWER). We will be picking up from where we stopped yesterday; iniquity, the next aspect of the witchcraft software.


Iniquity simply put is when our will comes in opposition to God’s will. This definition is seen in the origin of iniquity. It also means to twist. You see it each time people twist the will, ways or word of the LORD. It is a major aspect of the witchcraft software.

The prophetic parable or Lamentation of Ezekiel tells us how this phenomenon developed; it developed in Lucifer. The Bible says “iniquity was found in him

Many have said it is pride. They anchor their conviction in the verse of the Lamentation that says,

“Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor; I cast you to the ground, I laid you before kings, that they might gaze at you” (Ezekiel 28:17 NKJV).

But they forgot that before his heart was lifted up, iniquity was already found in him. His pride therefore was a Child of the iniquity that was found in him.

Another prophet God raised picked into same frequencies but his delivery gave us more insight into the matter. He said,

“How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations!

For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north;

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.’ Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, to the lowest depths of the Pit. Isaiah 14:12-15 NKJV

Here you see how iniquity developed. It developed when Lucifer began to go against and twist the will, way and word of God for his life-assignment and purpose of creation. From what happened to him as a consequence, we can find the first consequence of iniquity. That consequence is a fall that lack redemption.


Sadly, everyone whose life is rooted in iniquity will just find himself going down in life. I was one! I plugged into iniquity for years and went down all those years until I departed from it.

I prayed fasted and gave sacrifices; sought all kinds of help to bring peace to my life. But the more I made effort to salvage things, the more I was filled with violence. I recovered when God appeared to me and asked me to leave else my life will be no more, and I did! That was when I learnt that in marriage matters (and every other matter), what GOD has not joined together even prayer cannot keep together.

When it comes to matters of iniquity, until one turns away from it there will be no recovery from its terrible consequences. It’s therefore important to know what iniquity is.

If you look at how it originated or developed, the Prophet Isaiah said Lucifer made a decision to go against the will of GOD. God’s established will for his life was for him to live within the spiritual Eden, the Garden of God; in the eternal past, and cover God’s throne in Heaven with worship (or a life that is in perfect synchronicity with God’s will and ways). That was why Ezekiel called him the anointed cherub that covers.

Cherub angels are known to be angels whose job is to cover God’s throne. You see that in the construction of the ark by Moses. But the will of this cherub angel Lucifer who was head of all the cherub angels in heaven, came in opposition with God’s will, and he began to make decisions that countered God.

He began to think of ascending into heaven, exalting his God given throne above the stars of God; sitting on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north; ascending above the heights of the clouds of glory.


And truly even after he was banished from his Heavenly place in the eternal past, he still has not lost those thoughts. Today he fulfills them in raising false prophets, counterfeiting everything that is God, and teaching men witchcraft – a pseudo and corrupt aspect of the supernatural of GOD.

So when you make a decision that is not in synchronicity with God’s will you are in iniquity. If you get married according to the will of flesh, the will of man, or the will of blood instead of the will of God, that marriage is iniquity in God’s sight. Before men it could be a marriage but before God it is iniquity.

Anything you do that runs contrary to God’s will, word or ways is iniquity in God’s sight. It may look good in men’s sight but it is iniquity in God’s sight. Witchcraft can prevail against it. God created man to spend his days synchronized with him.

If we lose that synchronicity iniquity will be found in us and our lives will become a stench in God’s nostrils on the face of the earth. That is why genuine apostolic and prophetic emphasis will always urge you to synchronize every aspect of your life with God’s will.

Whenever you root any aspect of your life in a decision that runs contrary to God’s will and ways, it will become spiritually what THE LAND OF SHINAR was physically in the days of the Bible.

If you root your spiritual life on decisions that runs contrary to the will and ways of God, that aspect of your life will become the land of Shinar in the realm of the spirit. If you found your economic life in a decision that runs contrary to God’s will and ways, it will become the land of Shinar in the realm of the spirit, and it goes on and on.

That is why you find trouble in the economic, marital, spiritual or social lives of people. They rooted them in iniquity, and iniquity has become their ruin!

Whatever you do in contrast to God’s will and ways; or whatever is ran or governed in contrast to God’s will, word or ways; be it a project, a local church, a private life, a ministry, a nation, a business enterprise, a relationship, a marriage or family, will be one day filled with violence and eventually go down the paths of shoel.

It will eventually become the land of Shinar spiritually. That is how iniquity functions as witchcraft software. When it becomes the land of Shinar spiritually, witchcraft or wickedness can build its base there bring ruin to people’s lives.