“ And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, “For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.”

And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh. Then men began to call on the name of the LORD.” Genesis 4:25-26 NKJV


It’s a new day! It could also be the beginning of a new season for someone reading this. God has kept us, He has watched over us and has done us well. To Him belong the glory!

Daily the LORD loads His own with benefits. Our lives testify!!

Those who are His own are known by two things; they have genuine intimacy with the LORD, and they know how to swiftly depart from iniquity. Those are the two things. That is why they do not live a life of sin, even if they become weary and exposed, or fall into it sometimes, they depart from it swiftly.

The Bible says;

“ Nevertheless the solid foundation of God stands, having this seal: “The Lord knows those who are His,” and, “Let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.” 2 Timothy 2:19 NKJV

Those who are God’s own are a breed that knows how to depart from iniquity, not how to call it their weakness and all that. They are the wheat that most times finds itself among the tares.

Beautifully, God is separating His wheat from tares Churches, and gathering them together into the barn of wheat Churches, so that they will not be polluted and corrupted by the tares the enemy has everywhere. This devotional is for the wheats of the LORD, not the tares of the evil ones who call themselves Christians or preachers.

God primarily sent us to his wheat not the tares; He raised us to expose the activities of the tares and how they are destroying His wheat.

That is why the tares hates us when we expose their works among the wheat. They call us names for that, and we do not care because all our fathers who carried out similar assignment where called names.


Today, we want to look at matters of prayers. I believe someone needs to get their prayer fire back, or needs to keep their prayer fire burning, hence the LORD bringing this word.

You cannot have more of God until your prayer life is burning with the prayer fire of righteous prayers.

It is through righteous prayers and scriptural revelation knowledge that we penetrate the Heavenlies and enter the Throne Room of God. That was why our fathers in the early Church gave themselves to prayers and to the ministry of the word.

When you get into the Throne Room, you begin to find a peg in the Holy Place and enjoy more of God. That is why Throne Room Christians do not suffer defeat in the hands of their enemies. Where they live from makes it impossible for the enemy to put them under wraps.

It makes it impossible for the enemy to deceive them. It makes it impossible for them to do anything outside God’s will. They experience more of God and move in the Kingdom, power and glory of God.

Yes, no weapon formed against them prospers; not even curses work on them, because you cannot place a curse on people who live their earthly life from the Throne Room of GOD.

In fact, your curse returns back to you whenever you try to curse them.

We can see that in the life and times of the Church in the wilderness, the nation of Israel in Bible days. When Moses led them, in some respect, they were a prototype of a church living its earthly life from the Throne Room of God.

They were the only nation under Heaven whose way of life was shaped by the LORD. They were a shadow of a Throne Room Church or a Throne Room Christian. That was why the curse of Balaam could not rest on them. You see that in Numbers chapter 23 to 24.

No curse of your enemy can rest on you if you live your earthly life from the Throne Room of God. God Himself will rest on you making it impossible for any curse to rest on you. The Bible says,

“When Israel went out of Egypt, the house of Jacob from a people of strange language, Judah became His sanctuary, And Israel His dominion. The sea saw it and fled; Jordan turned back.” Psalm 114:1-3 NKJV

That is what happen when God rests on you. He rested on Israel and the sea saw it and fled. If you are wondering what the sea saw, let me tell you. It saw a people God sat on, something it had never seen before, and fled! That is one of the blessing that speaks in the life of Throne Room Christians.


Sometimes they flee calling them names, and screaming blasphemies at them because of the heat of GOD’s presence around. They flee spreading lies mixed with facts about them, they flee slandering them to every ear and backbiting them. They flee betraying them and speaking ill of them.

We have seen so many who pretended to join our Church here in Kenya fleeing that way. Oh yes, I have seen so many fleeing that way from us, and posting things on social media that are outright lies. They saw the presence of God and fled.

That is why when people do such things to you, sometimes you just have to rejoice because they are reacting to the goodness and the presence of the LORD in your life. You are not bad or evil. The fire of God’s presence in your life is tormenting them, hence doing unspeakable things to you.

Friend, God does not want us to be fighting our enemies like junior officers in the army all the time. There could be periods of fighting them like that, but the ultimate of God for us is to bring us to the place of “no contest” in the spirit realm; a place where they flee when they see us!

Yes, God wants us to live in realms where our enemies will flee when they see us, and that can only happen when His presence sits upon our lives perpetually, not when we carry oil, water, salt, prayer clothes, or other charismatic mediums like witch doctors.

When it comes to enemy matters, a lot of Christians and preachers are just witch doctors and idol worshipers. They become apostle and prophets of darkness who use mediums to invoke supernatural powers, without even caring if the powers are of God or not.


God used Mediums in time past, specifically during the dispensations before the cross. That was because the Holy Ghost was not yet given, and it is the only supernatural language people understood then.

In the days of Moses, He said to him, use the rod and the Oil. He even told him to sprinkle blood and water at one time. That was then! That was a season for the Mosaic moves of GOD.

But now we are under Christ not under Moses. if you use the mediums Moses used, or you manufacture your own, you will key into sorcery or divination without knowing. You will unleash the power and working of Satan, because he usually works through patterns God has used in the past and abandoned.

Understand that, to manifest as God in Church, he uses types and shadows that have been fulfilled in Christ. Do not forget that, and do not mix it up!

Sadly, an average of 9.5 preachers out of 10, do not know these Bible truths, hence the widely acceptance and use of mediums in praying for people, and the working of Satan among God’s people. But the pattern of the LORD remains the same.

He wants our enemies to see us and flee, not because of some mediums we may be using but for His presence that sits upon our lives! Hallelujah!

Such dimensions cannot happen when we carry anointing oil in bottles instead of the Holy Spirit in our lives. They may pretend to have happened, but they cannot actually happen when we carry holy water in bottles instead of God’s Holy nature in our lives.

They do not happen when we raise what the scammers you call prophets, apostle and etc. call altars of sacrifice, instead of offering our bodies as living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to GOD, thereby becoming God’s altars on earth.

Israel did not carry oil, water, salt, or raised altars when the sea saw them and fled. Moses had not even been told to build the ark then.

God wanted to keep sitting upon their lives and causing their enemies to flee, but when Aaron misled them to serve other gods in the wilderness, while Moses was away, and allowed deception to set in (a prototype of the antichrist), mediums were temporary introduced by GOD, with the aim of removing them in Christ.


“But their minds were blinded. For until this day the same veil remains unlifted in the reading of the Old Testament, because the veil is taken away in Christ.

But even to this day, when Moses is read, a veil lies on their heart. Nevertheless when one turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. 2 Corinthians 3:14-16 NKJV

The deception that came by the hands of Aaron blindfolded them. Sadly, the same blindfold is in the hearts of all lost souls because of idolatry. But until preachers and their churches turn to the LORD, the veil will remain, and they will keep worshiping God using mediums.

Yes, they will keep using anointing oil instead of walking in the Spirit of Truth, they will keep using holy water, and not see the need for the replacement of the Holy water with God’s holy nature through genuine salvation experience.

They will keep using all kinds of mediums in the guise of helping people to unlock their faith. Yes, they will never come into the fullness that allows our enemies to see us and run away without us saying or doing anything.

They will never be able to constantly lead lives, that allows the presence of God to sit or abide in our lives. Mountains will keep starring at them, and the Jordan of many will not be turning back so that they cross into the manifestation of their prophetic destinies no matter how they pray.

Their lives will just be full of misery despite doing all they are told to do by preachers! The Bible says;

“What ails you, O sea, that you fled? O Jordan, that you turned back? O mountains, that you skipped like rams? O little hills, like lambs?

Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, At the presence of the God of Jacob, who turned the rock into a pool of water, The flint into a fountain of waters. Psalm 114:5-8 NKJV

Clearly this scripture tells us what God designed and planned for us so long as dealing with our enemies is concerned.

It tells us where the LORD wants us to come into so long as our walk and talk with Him is concerned. But none of that is possible if we do not move from the kind of Christianity we are leading today, to the Christianity that spring from the Throne Room of GOD – a Throne Room Christianity.


Throne Room Christianity is a Christianity that is shaped from the Throne Room of God, through the teaching and application of the present Truth (God’s Throne room Truths), and through intimacy with God or countless seasons of righteous prayers.

Righteous prayers is all about calling upon the name of the LORD with a righteous heart and a righteous life of faith that is in alignment with God’s present truth. Our devotional text says;

“ And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, “For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed. And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh. Then men began to call on the name of the LORD.”

This scripture is amazing!! A Child was born, and men began to call upon the name of the LORD. That was not an ordinary child.

That must be a child that stirred up the Spirit of Righteous Prayers in that generation. It was a significant child whose birth made a spectacular move of God to break forth. It broke forth and stirred hearts to begin to connect the Throne Room of God through prayers.

History has it that, when that child was born, men began to call upon the name of the LORD, and the throne of God began to intervene in human activities.

People began to have access to the active presence of God again; they began to live from the Throne Room of God like Adam did before the fall. Yes, they lived like Jesus lived when He came. May we become such seed of God on the face of the earth.

What is the message of today? The message is simple. God wants you to become a Throne Room Christian if you are not one yet. He wants you to start connecting His throne through righteous prayers and righteous living, so that His throne room activities can be present in your life.


No curse, evil, or spiritual attack can rest on you because His presence will be resting on you. Yes, nothing evil or dark will be able to rest on you. His presence will be making good things happen in your life, and keeping bad things far from you.

But will you accept the call to begin to call upon the name of the LORD? Will you accept the call to begin to live righteously to protect the name of the LORD in your life?

Righteous prayers and righteous living have a way of working together to make God’s throne room activities present in our lives. They work together to make the power that will perform the thoughts that God has for us available in our lives.


“ For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the LORD, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you.

And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:11-13 NKJV