TODAY’S DEVOTION (Sunday 9TH August 2020)

“Through wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; By knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.” Proverbs 24:3-4 NKJV


It is another glorious day from the creator of Heaven and earth for us TO RIDE ON THE WINGS OF HIS SPIRIT as He gets us ready to serve our generation the more, according to His will. Each new day is a gift from Him. Each new day also announces the approaching end of all things. It is therefore important that we apply our hearts unto wisdom.

Talking about wisdom, uncommon wisdom has been oozing out of the Heart of the LORD and transmitted into the spirits of just men since we started the 50 Day Baptism of the Spirit of Prophecy, WINGS OF THE SPIRIT.

The move of the Spirit in this special outreach to perfect the saints and disciple the nations, right in their homes, has been uncommon and revolutionary. I find the zeal of the LORD active and powerful each day.

Day unto day, it is dawning on me deeper and deeper, why the Spirit of God has wept severally over so many Church members who have been cut off from true spiritual food for too long – the very reason why charlatans and con men and women calling themselves preachers, have been feeding on them.

Indeed, the greatest need of the saints is not marriage, money or any other thing that is exalted among men. The greatest need of the saints is the wisdom of GOD, that exist in the throne room of GOD. It is concealed in Throne Room Mysteries hidden on the pages of the Scriptures.

At this point, I feel it is important that we refresh our memory on certain truths about wisdom.

There are three classes of wisdom; the first is the wisdom from the earth (the wisdom of man), the next the wisdom from the dark world (the wisdom of the rulers of this age), and the third is the wisdom from above (the wisdom of God). Each of this wisdom types produces different kinds of results in the lives of men.

The first two levels of wisdom are not pure or peaceful, hence do not produce a pure or peaceful end. But the last class of wisdom, the wisdom of God is pure and peaceful. It usually purifies people and lead them to peaceful ends.


This wisdom may be found in human vessels, but it is not human. It could be duplicated by demons, but it is not demonic. It is divine and brings down the presence of GOD whenever in use. That is the very instrument God used in creating the heavens and the earth.

When we tap into it, we begin to experience His creative power and get uncommon results in life. People with it cannot be hindered successfully by the evil ones. You will always find them getting a way where there is no way because of it.

Friend, the importance of divine wisdom cannot be over emphasized. It is one heavenly treasure that the earth respects so much. That is why you find people who walk in it making so much progress in the direction of God’s will for their lives. A major highlight in our devotional text this morning said, “Through it is a house built.”

The word house there means life. Many lives have been shattered by either wrong decisions, outright satanic attacks, and all that the enemy muster at them. Such lives may not be restored back again except divine wisdom is engaged to help them get back on their feet.

Sadly, in a world of religious activities many take the prayer they do as the ultimate solution to their problems. Because of that, there is a segment of the Church that believes that prayer and fasting are the only answers to every problem. But people are fasting for more days than Moses or Jesus fasted and praying more fervently than what Elijah did and still coming out with no result to show. Something is missing which they have not cared about. That thing is the wisdom of GOD.


You see, if God’s wisdom is not filling our hearts, our Christian lives will be full of forms of godliness without power. Prayer and fasting with divine wisdom guiding you will get everything accomplished. But prayer and fasting without divine wisdom guiding you will get nothing accomplished!

The rebuilding of a broken-down life is not done by prayer and fasting alone (though many do not fast and pray at all). It is done by the wisdom of God.

There is something else I want to bring to our attention.

Effective prayer and fasting will make us receptive to God’s wisdom and give us the required understanding we need to apply the wisdom to our daily life. As we do that, our lives we be rebuilt.

You see, apart from being a product of the wisdom of God in itself, you cannot access other aspects of divine wisdom without prayer and fasting. Every man or woman who walks in the Spirit will tell that the clarity of spirit your need to get into the realm of the Holy Spirit – the very realm where God’s wisdom exist – is acquired through a consistent life of prayer, fasting and feasting on the word.

In fact, it is part of God’s wisdom to live a life of prayer and fasting salted with hours in God’s word. For a spiritual life to be healthy, praying and fasting is required. It is the very tool that helps our human spirit connect the dynamic activities in God’s word and open us up to the great insights buried in it.

That is why if your spirit is cramped with the earthly, you cannot access the Heavenly. You will be sleeping whenever Heavenly things are taking place, thereby hindering you from partaking in the deep things of GOD.

The importance of accessing the Heavenly cannot be over emphasized. People who cannot access the Heavenly will never be free from the demonic. If you want to live a peaceful life in trouble world, you must learn to access the Heavenly daily.


Sadly, many are too comfortable to be free from the demonic. They are too gluttonous and spiritually lazy to pay the price that is required for them to come out of captivity.

For instance, someone’s family, finances, or faith will be going down, and he or she will not stop everything and start seeking God in intense prayer and fasting; but will wake up at 5 am to eat a bowl of food. Then at 10 am, he or she will eat another bowl. Then at 2 pm they are on another stable of food and on and on and on they go. You cannot be in crisis and see God helping you if you are living your life that way.

You must deny yourself the legitimate to lay hold on the ultimate. It is foolish to sit and watch your life go down, may be doing every other natural thing to salvage it, without personally doing any supernatural thing to salvage it by seeking God through intense prayer and fasting for help.

Divine wisdom demands that when things are not okay with us, we close everything down and seek the LORD for help. That was what Paul did when the ship he was traveling with hit a life-threatening storm in the Mediterranean Sea.

If you read Acts 27, you will discover how he applied the wisdom of seeking God through intense prayer and fasting in the crisis. He did not just sit-down hoping God will save him because he was an apostle. No! He sought God to save him, and God responded after 14 days of intense fasting.

God responded by sending an angel to execute his rescue.

If you are expecting God to move in your life, you must do something for Him to act. Do not forget, He parted the Red Sea and made Israel passed on dry land. You are the next to see His miraculous moves.

He gave Israel angel’s food and used hail stones to kill their enemies. You are the next to experience supernatural supply and protection against the enemy that may be too strong for you.

His eyes are still moving to and fro today looking for those whose hearts are perfect towards Him to show Himself mighty on their behalf.

May He find you in Jesus precious name!


“For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.”

“Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.”

“I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back from your captivity; I will gather you from all the nations and from all the places where I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you to the place from which I cause you to be carried away captive.” Jeremiah 29:11-14 NKJV