“Thus says the Lord, your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the Lord your God, who teaches you to profit, who leads you by the way you should go.
“Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.” Isaiah 48:17-18NKJV
It’s a good thing to give thanks to the LORD, the only one who is ever mindful of us. He takes care of the minutest details of our lives. Glory to His great name!
One of my best scriptures reads “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God.” I am so glad that the statement did not come from a theologian or a religious person, it came from God Himself. He taught Israel just that one lesson for 40 years. If the lesson was not important, it would not have been that long.
You see, when God speaks, He does not speak to the body of man.
So, when He feeds man with His word, He does not feed his body. He feeds his spirit. So, when God said, “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from His mouth.” He was revealing to us what the human spirit needs on earth to be alive or to stay alive in God, even after death.
Yes, there is life after death. Our human spirits need words that proceeds from His mouth, in order to end well after this life.
However, there is more to that word, because when GOD says “man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from His mouth” He was also telling us that just as the human body needs natural food (bread) to stay alive, so the human spirit needs spiritual food to gloriously stay alive in this life.
Meaning, if the preaching you hear in your church is not a proceeding word from God, you will never come alive in the Spirit of GOD. You will never stay gloriously alive on planet earth. You will become spiritually weak, malnourished and eventually live an earthly life that is full of misery.
I have come to discover that the healthiest people on earth are not those who eat the best food. I have seen people who eat the best meals terribly sick. The healthiest people on earth are people who feed daily on the proceeding word.
If you are healthy, spirit soul and body, you are a real human. You can walk with God, network with His glory like Adam did, say things that God will confirm, and become mightily used of Him. But if you are not healthy, none of that will be possible.
What makes you healthy is what comes out of the mouth of the LORD, and what makes us sick is sin, iniquity or trespass. Another thing that makes us sick is walking in the counsel of the wicked, standing in the ways of sinners and sitting on the seat of the scornful.
God wants you to live your days this year healthy, spirit, soul and body. If we live that way, He can communicate with our human spirits effectively and do things through us that will change lives.
It is important to understand that, we are created in the image and likeness of God, hence have three parts that forms the one whole human. For instance, GOD is Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Man is spirit, soul and body. God made us that way so that we can have an effective relationship with Him.
With our spirit we commune with God, with our souls we process what He tells us, and with our bodies we carry it out in the material world. If you do not understand that, you will not be able to relate with God profitably.
For instance, when God says, “you can not be poor.” It comes to your spirit. Then you use His word the Bible to process the word to the point of knowing the actions to take in other not to be poor.
This might involve reading every part of the Bible that will help your understanding of the same, or reading anointed Books that will help you understand how not to be poor, by God’s design.
Then with your body, you carry out the actions processed in your soul, while reading the anointed books or studying the Bible. The word, “you shall not be poor” will only remain an inspiration for you, but the ones you filled your soul with becomes the very things you do to actualize the “you shall not be poor” word in your human spirit.
I hope you understand this concept. It is actually a concept of faith. It helps you move what God has finished in the spirit realm into the natural. That is how we begin our lives from within.
God never designed life to begin from the outside. God designed life to begin from the inside. All of what you will become in Christ or His kingdom, must begin from the inside. If God says something to you and your inside has not captured it, it will never come to pass.
It is the life that has hatched itself on our inside that we bring to the outside, and that life begins from what God says to us.
He will first speak to our human spirits or hearts, then we move it to the soul realm by studying His word on how to actualize what He might have said. That is why the Bible says in proverbs 4:23, “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” (NKJV)
The heart is to be kept with all diligence because it is the incubation center of every kind of life, either good or bad. If we allow the word of the LORD to fill it, what will be incubated in it will be a life that is noble, pure, just, lovely, full of good report, and praise worthy.
You will find that kind of life busting forth into your space to your amazement, because once it has been hatched in the heart, no force on earth can hinder it from been born on the outside.
Any other thing that fills our heart, will hatch a life that is sinful, dirty or unclean before God, bringing it forth even when we do not like it. That is why you find people doing things they do not like. You find people in bad habits they do not like and all that. A major highlight in our devotional text this morning says;
“Oh, that you had heeded My commandments! Then your peace would have been like a river, and your righteousness like the waves of the sea.”
This scripture teaches that a life of peace and righteousness are products of God’s commandments. If we heed His commandment, we will get them into our hearts. If we get them into our hearts, they will hatch the life of peace within and cause it to be expressed without.
So, the good life that the LORD may have promised you this year, is only possible if you fill your heart with the commands of the LORD. It is His commands in our hearts that will hatch the kind of life God may have promised. That is the word of the LORD!!
It is not by the use of oil, salt, sand, water or pieces of clothes in prayer. Neither is it by going to the mountain and all that. It is by the entrance of the word into your heart, until it is processed to hatch the kind of life God may have promised you. Amen!!
“Oh, that My people would listen to Me, that Israel would walk in My ways! I would soon subdue their enemies, and turn My hand against their adversaries.
“The haters of the Lord would pretend submission to Him, but their fate would endure forever. He would have fed them also with the finest of wheat; and with honey from the rock I would have satisfied you.” Psalms 81:13-16 NKJV