TODAY’S DEVOTION (Saturday 4th January 2020)

“Awake, awake! Put on your beautiful garments, O Jerusalem, the holy city! For the uncircumcised and the unclean shall no longer come to you.

Shake yourself from the dust, arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem; loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion!” Isaiah 52:1-2 NKJV


Well, for those who are yet to wake up, we have just eaten three days of the year 2020. Like we shared yesterday, before you know it, we will be in January 2021.

What I am trying to say is that time is running out very fast, if we do not rise to do what we were created to do we will become a wasted generation. Man was created to live for divine purpose not human needs. Sadly, our needs and worries occupy the most of our lives and reflect even in our most intimate prayer seasons with the LORD.

There are no words to describe what the life of a Christians will become if he spends it worrying about his earthly needs.

Ordinarily, every Child of God malfunction whenever he or she begins to worry about earthly needs. That was why our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ warned that we will add no value to our lives if we spend them worrying about anything. The book of Matthew puts it this way:

“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body what you will out on. Is life more than food and the body more than clothing?

Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?” Matthew 6:25,27 NKJV


Worrying is you sitting in the dark moments of your life developing negatives. It is cracking your head over things you cannot change. It is generating excruciating thoughts and feelings about painful things that are beyond you and loosing hope about life itself. It is trying to squeeze answers from question that lack human answers. Jesus said we should not do any of that because it will add nothing to us!

Worrying has never added to anyone on the face of the earth. It has only functioned as the birthplace of high blood pressure and all kinds of diseases and evil expectations. It is the birthplace of sinful acts, bad decisions, and dangerous turns in life. Any moment you sit down worrying, you are wasting away.

Yes, you are wasting your time, talent, and treasure.

If you spend your days in worry, you do not need a devil to attack you, you have attacked yourself. Satan loves seeing us worry because that is the time, we make ourselves vulnerable to his deception and eventual baptism of foolishness.

Worrying is the wrong foundation to stand on to do anything meaningful. For instance, it is the wrong foundation to stand on and get married. You do not get married out of worry of dying single. You get married to fulfill divine agenda. Anything you do out of worry will give birth to a terrible Ishmael – situations that will be against you, maybe all your life!

You do not go looking for a job out of worry. You go looking for a Job to become responsible in the Kingdom of God and yourself. If money is placed on the hands of a heart that is full of worries, that money will never be spent meaningfully. Worrying will bring any life under the covering shelter of devils and makes people vulnerable in the spirit realm.

Most lives were brought under intense satanic attacks through worry! I have seen worry turn sane people into mentally deranged people. I have seen worry do things in the lives of people that even demons cannot do! Worry has handed over beautiful women to terrible men. It has handed over promising young men to terrible women.


Worrying can take a very destructive dimension. Especially, worrying about getting old and not getting married. That alone is a threshold of personal destruction. So do not spend a day worrying this year. Spend it Rejoicing.

If you are a Christian plagued by worries, you may wake up one morning to find yourself away from Christ. You will hate Church and even a preacher you once respected because of failed expectations.

Worry has taken people from the broad way that leads to life to the narrow way that leads to death. It is the bedrock of compromise in the Church today and an evil portal opening tool.

Worry has opened the portals of grave over people and taken them to premature graves. It has placed people in dangerous panic modes. When you are placed on the panic mode of worry, the death of your peace will be a matter of time. Worry has a way of killing anything that gives life to our mortal bodies.

Worrying has a way of blurring our life vision and putting veils on our minds. It has a way of killing our faith or impregnating us with doubts about God and what He may have said to us. It can kill our faith or trust in God.

Friend, if we do not learn how to shake ourselves free from the dust of worry, the uncircumcised and unclean will keep finding a place to rest in our lives.

A major highlight in our devotional text says; “For the uncircumcised and the unclean shall no longer come to you….shake yourself from the dust, arise, and sit down, O Jerusalem; loose yourself from the bonds of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion!”

The dust of worry has a way of bringing us into captivity. It has a way of making our lives a highway for demonic traffic. In other words, when we worry, we are few inches away from captivity. We will begin to do and say things that will shut freedom away from us!


God has said its our year of rejoicing, so we cannot go into a year like that worrying. It will shut us down completely. We cannot enter a year recalling painful memories of things we cannot change and developing excruciating feelings. We will be chained to oppressing demons if we do. We must stop worrying! We must free our hearts from worries so that it can bring forth life to us.

The command is simple! STOP WORRYING!! START REJOICING!!!

No matter the case, make 2020 a worry-free year. You see, when God says it will be a year of rejoicing, it was a call on our part to make it a year of rejoicing not a year of worrying. No matter what may happen, we are to rejoice not to worry.

Remember Paul and Silas in prison never worried. They rejoiced in tribulations and Heaven responded with power.

Do not spend any day in 2020 worrying. I repeat the command remains, STOP WORRYING! Now to stop worrying you must learn what to do with things that make you worry. The Bible is clear on what to do with things that make us worry. It says we should cast them on Jesus for He cares for us. Hallelujah!

When things that put people in worry modes happen to us, we should learn to shake them off by spending quality time in prayers casting them to the LORD, seeking that His will concerning them should be done!

I believe God has spoken to someone this morning. It is my prayers that you use these words, build yourself up in your most holy faith and receive an inheritance among they that are sanctified. Amen

It is our year of REJOICING. The Bible says rejoice always!


“Rejoice in the LORD always. Again I will say, Rejoice. Let your gentleness be known to all men. The LORD is at hand.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God; and the peace of god, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ.” Philippians 4:4-7 NKJV