TODAY’S DEVOTION (Saturday 15th February 2020)

“Listen to my plans for you, people of Babylonia…..” Jeremiah 50:45 CEV

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” Psalm 32:8 NKJV


It’s a new day again to receive a word from the LORD. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of GOD! Let’s open our spirits this morning for a proceeding word from the LORD of host, owner of our lives. I hope we are ready!

I want to begin on a prophetic note. Towards the end of last year and maybe early this year I spoke something God laid in my heart concerning the United States, Russia and China. When I see the things spoken then happening, it baffles me that even those who were in the meetings do not take note.The word of the LORD is to be marked and recorded until it comes to pass.

When it comes to pass, we point the event to our generation saying, “this is that which was spoken to us by the Spirit of the LORD.”

God speaks to us about nations so that we will not fear anything that may happen or that may be happening. He speaks to us so that we can know He is in perfect control. These three nations are represented by certain animals. The United States is represented by the Eagle and the nation of China the dragon.
I remember the LORD saying, “as the EAGLE rises, the Dragon will fall.” There is so much happening to China today, including the coronavirus. I think I will leave these prophecies for another day!

You see, God is Spirit and He created our natural world. He is invisible but created our visible world. This simply means the spiritual is the birthplace of the natural. Whatever you see naturally began supernaturally. We can say that the supernatural is responsible for the natural. So, the virus did not just happen. It is time for us to hide ourselves in the center of GOD’s will in all things that we do.


A lot is being poured into our world from the supernatural realm. The Sons of Issachar must understand these things and bring timely warnings from the Holy Scriptures to the people of our age and time!

It is very important that we understand the mystery of the supernatural realm.

You see, the supernatural, either good or bad, inject things into the natural world every second, either altering things in people’s lives, making them grow or die. It is responsible for making families happy or sad. It shapes the financial lives of people by making economies to crumble or thrive. It is responsible for making ministries succeed and advance God’s plans and purposes or diminish and fail completely.

The supernatural is responsible for everything in the natural realm. That is why we make the earth too hot for us if we do not have relationship with the Supernatural GOD!

There are two kinds of the supernatural. That of the enemy of our souls and that of a loving and caring FATHER in Heaven. If we can see into the supernatural and allow ourselves to be controlled by the supernatural of GOD, we will minimize or completely erase every evil the supernatural of the enemy pours on us.

The reason the enemy attack us from the supernatural realm is because it is master over the naturally realm.

Before a man will succeed over you naturally, he has been made to succeed over you supernaturally. Before a man die, he has already been killed supernaturally. Nothing takes place naturally in the natural if it has not taken place in the supernatural. That is why the Bible admonishes us to sense the plans of God for our lives and live our lives accordingly.


Even if the enemy knock them down, and everyone say “it is finished” they have a way of rising again. They only fail if they venture into anything that is not part of the GOD’s plans and programs for their lives.

For instance, they can only fail in marriages, business or anything they put their hands to do when they walk away from GOD’s plans and programs for their lives. I have come to discover that people who rise early in life following God’s plans for their lives live very peaceful lives on earth.

You could be born in a very terrible states of life, if only you can allow your problems to push you to GOD and dig deep into Him to find His plans and programs for your life, your life will become glorious in a matter of time.

Life outside divine plan is the reason for the woes of God’s Children. Many of us are just in Churches but not in God’s plans for our lives. Most are not even in Churches that fall into God’s plans for their lives. That is why there is no encounter with God in their lives despite being faithful in those places.

Life outside divine plan can be terrible!

It is the reason the enemy succeeds over us, the reason we wail and suffer, the reason we are sick and tired of what we may be doing, the reason we lack sufficient grace from God to keep growing stronger in the things we do. Life outside divine plans for a Child of God is like a fish outside water. It will die and decay.

For instance, any marriage outside divine plans will be full of headaches. It will die and decay living you with the corpse to be taking from man of God to man of God for resurrection. But when you are in God’s plans, there will be no dead or decay. Even if anything dies, it will come back to life.

If you fail IN God’s plans for your life, it is just a process not a burial. Because within a short time you will rise again. Failure is not really failure to those who are in God’s plans for their lives. The Bible says all things will work together for their good! Hallelujah!

Remember Job in the Bible; his affliction was part of God’s plan for his promotion.


That is why when you experience what may look like failure; suddenly you will see “God’s supernatural grace” moving to bring you out into a much better phase than what it was before the experience.

The righteous indeed will fall seven times but rise again. However, that only happens if he is in divine plan! If you are not in divine plan, you will fall and keep falling and falling until you are no more. Friend, it pays to listen and walk in divine plans. It pays to be instructed by LORD on where to go.

The plans of God are “finished events” in the supernatural waiting to be made manifest in the natural.

The Bible says, “the plans of God shall stand.” Meaning they shall not fail. That is why people who walk in divine plans do not fail. Divine plans do not fail because they have been finished in the supernatural. Our devotional text says, “Listen to my plans for you.” It also said, “I will guide you and teach you to the way you should go.”

Again, I say it pays to listen to God’s plans for your life. God’s plans are the way we should go not our ambitions or personal plans.

The reason people who walk in divine plans cannot fail is obvious. They are following predetermined and pre-established things in the spirit realm. They are following things that have been done and completed in the supernatural, hence cannot fail.

They only need to be obedient to the voice of the LORD – I mean implicit obedience without compromise. They don’t need to do any other thing other than listening to God and doing as He says!

Friend, you may be in a crossroad this morning. You may be in the dark this morning. The enemy may have attacked you yesterday and made you sleep in the pain of that attack. God sent this word to tell you to listen to His plans for your life and follow them meticulously.

Cease listening to whatever may have happened. Start listening to God’s plans for your life. That is where your recovery will come from. That is where your prosperity will flow from. That is where your deliverance is. That is where your expectations will turn into manifestation.


I pray for you today that you cease living your life in what look good and start sensing what looks God and follow. I pray that you recognize the manipulations of Satan to keep you in what is outside divine plan.

I pray that you overcome the warfare that usually breaks out when men step into divine plan. I pray the LORD sharpen your senses to be able to recognize divine plans and follow them.
Sometimes, things happen to cloud our senses not to be able to recognize divine plans. Other times they happen to bring us out of them completely. We must be sensitive. We must plant ourselves in prophetic and apostolic Churches and not crowds full of empty preachers.

One more thing before we warp up; I want you to understand that the plans of the LORD for your life may come in a package you do not like, but if you stick to them you will save yourself from things that will make you regret all your life.

Whatever we do not like in God’s plan for our life usually disappears within a very short time. That is what makes them good and perfect at the end. The vision will always speak at the end not the beginning.

Make these devotional truths your meditation today, and things will be brighter in your life!


“For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. Jeremiah 29:11 AMP