TODAY’S DEVOTION (Sunday 16TH January 2022)
“For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.” Isaiah 60:2 NKJV
This is another day the LORD has made, we shall rejoice and be glad in it. He has kept us for 16 days now. Let’s give him the praise!
The encroachment of darkness over nations, tongues and tribes, families and sadly Churches is not something new to Sons of God. Over the years, spiritual darkness has encroached over people without them even knowing about it.
How do you know when darkness is encroaching over your life as an individual? There will be certain consistent manifestation of evil works. Basically, there will be death, loses and destruction. The works of darkness will be present in your life.
The works of darkness includes any divorce that destroys God’s will for marriage, sicknesses and diseases, premature death and all forms of destruction, poverty and all forms of economic hardship, a life of sin and wickedness, the prosperity and triumph of the wicked, the enthronement of wicked men over nations, wars and all forms of bloodshed, a business failure that ruins God’s economic will for a people, and all that does not promote our peace with God and our fellow humans.
That means when you see men laying down sick, you have seen people under the work of darkness. When you see a harlot, you have seen someone under the works of darkness. When you see a poor man or woman, you have seen someone under the works of darkness. When you see a family tearing itself apart, you have seen a people under the works of darkness.
When you see pastors sleeping with ladies who came to worship God and even married women, you have seen “men of God” under the works darkness.
When you see someone prophesying falsely, using the Bible to collect money from people, using prayer services to heat up hate for fellow brothers, or presenting a doctrine of men or devils for preaching, you have seen someone promoting the works of darkness.
When you hear a preacher telling you grace has covered the sin you are actively involved in so there is nothing like repentance, just keep doing it for God understands, you have seen a preacher promoting the works of darkness in the Church.
It is impossible to set a man or women free from the works of darkness by prayer if he or she is living spiritually under darkness.
When a life is under darkness, prayer cannot set the person completely free from the works of darkness. That is why if “Living in darkness” is the root cause of your problem, you will never come out of it irrespective of prayers.
You must be translated from the realm of darkness to the realm of light by the power of scriptural revelation. That brings me to the two spiritual realms every human on the face of earth lives from.
There are two basic realms every human on the face of the earth lives from spiritually; the realm of darkness called “outer darkness” and the realm of God’s light called “the Kingdom of God.” It is the spiritual that determines the natural. Where a man lives in the spirit realm is what actually determines the outcome of his life in the natural realm
Our decisions, perceptions, visions, passions, drives and etc are greatly influenced either by the realm of “outer darkness” where darkness encroach everyday over people or the realm of God’s light where the glory rises upon people. That is why you must get out of every form of spiritual darkness!
Prophetic scriptures made it clear that the world will never get better until after the consummation of all things. Darkness will keep covering the earth and gross darkness the people until wickedness destroys itself completely.
In fact, you will grow from bad to worse because you will be living from a realm where God has decreed that things should never be right.
Now how does a man get out of darkness? By turning on the light! One major highlight in our devotional text said;
“But the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen upon you.”
The natural way to turn on the light is by switching it on but the spiritual way is by the LORD Himself coming upon you. When the Spirit of Jesus Christ manifest Himself by coming upon you, the glory of the lord will rest upon you.
Under the glory things are not learnt, they are caught. So, when the glory of the LORD rest upon you, you will come into a realm of knowing; a realm of divine revelation. When you come into this realm, you walk out of darkness. When you walk out of darkness, the works of darkness will cease instantly in your life!
When that happens, the book of Isaiah says;
“..your light break forth like the morning, and your healing; your restoration and the power of a new life, shall spring forth speedily; your righteousness – your rightness, your justice, and your right relationship with God – shall go before you – conducting you to peace and prosperity – and the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.” (Isaiah 58:8 AMP)
The LORD Himself rising upon you is therefore the key to walking out of the realm of outer darkness. Is your health, finances, business, career, relationship, marriage or family still having problems, especially, after you have prayed?
Now, add the light of God to your life of prayer – come to teaching meetings where the LORD can rise upon you and His glory be seen on you.
Empty preaching cannot do that. Motivational talks will not either.
They may inspire you and turn on some lights but you do not just need s turning on of light, the LORD Himself need to rise upon you. Remember
“in Him is light and the light is the life of men. And the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it.”
If you make this devotional your meditation, the enemy will no longer be your problem. He will just leave you alone!
No one who is truly born again, and is in constant “corporate” or “private” fellowship with the Spirit of Jesus Christ walks in darkness. Fellowship with God eliminates all forms of spiritual darkness.
“This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all.”
“If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.”
“But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” 1 John 1:5-7 NKJV