“The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;

“The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;”

“Moreover by them your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward.” Psalm 19:7-8, 11. NKJV


We give God the glory for all the days we have seen and the peace we have enjoyed from Him this year.

We thank Him the more for all the meetings we have held and what He has met us to share and inspire.

The most recent is the 2024 Marriage and Family Life Conference, that ended yesterday. Indeed, it was food for growth not just for thought.

The meeting made our September a September to be remembered.

Obviously, our God has not just fed us, but protected us from those who prophesy evil about us and made them understand that He is not involved in their outburst and that they are being used of the devil.

Today is the last day of the month and we have a word from the LORD.

First of all, let me say this; it is important that we spend our days serving our generation according to the will of God. But when you begin to do that, you will need spiritual food and divine protection from the LORD, and that is exactly what we have been getting.

One of the major passions of every one that God has genuinely placed on the field of this world, to reap souls into His kingdom, is to see men and women coming to the LORD and living a pure and righteous life on the face of the earth.

If we preach any other gospel, they will come to us and not to the LORD. That is why we must understand that the tool for bringing men to the LORD is the preaching of the word of the LORD called in the book of Psalms “The testimony of the Lord..,”

This is capable of making wise the simple. Making them wise enough to come to the LORD, His will and His ways, not what looks like it.

Yes, wise enough to bypass man made religion and come to the LORD. Wise enough to bypass heretic teachings and doctrines of devils to come to the LORD.

Wise enough to resist pot breaking, oil using, altar raising, first born redemption gospels, and etc. to come to the LORD.

But if we do not preach or teach the testimony of the LORD, we will never get the result we should have gotten in the harvest field. We will not have the result of having people who are temples for God in the Spirit as born again Christian.


It is one thing to preach the true gospel, the testimony of the LORD, and another to have it communicated to the simple. Only the simple will be pliable and teachable enough to be impacted with the word of the LORD.

To be simple is to be humble at heart, teachable and reachable by the Holy Spirit. That is one of the keys to receiving maximum impact through the word or testimony of the LORD.

Those of us who are privileged to hear the true gospel must have hearts that are simple for it to work out God’s will in our lives. If the heart is not there, we will not be reachable.

It is important to note that one could be reachable by a preacher but not by the Holy Spirit speaking through the preacher, it all depends on our disposition to God Almighty and the man He is using to reach you with His word.

For instance, there are people I have wept and prayed for in secret but their lives still remain the same. While there are others, I did the same that are changing by the seconds just because they have the right disposition towards God and man.

Being simple will help you have the right disposition towards God and man.

That is why it leaves you with an impact. If we will be simple enough to be made wise by the word, and reachable enough to be healed by the Holy Spirit, it will not take us ages to move from inglorious states to glorious states.

One of the major things you will align with in God, if you are simple is His rules, laws, or principles. In other words, His ways.

Our Devotional text calls them, The law of the LORD, the statutes of the LORD, and The commandments of the LORD.

The laws, the statutes, and the commandments of the LORD, are the source of true light in a morally dark world for the Child of God. They have divine capacity to protect us from harm and deliver us from evil. That is why God ordained that we preach them.


It says, “Mankind shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceed from the mouth of God” (Deuteronomy 8:3).

In my opinion, this is the first and most important rule. The reason is, it sets the ball rolling, and determines all things in the Kingdom of God that we all should belong.

If we do not feed on what comes out of the mouth of God, we will die spiritually. And when we die spiritually, it’s just a matter of time. We will also die in our marital life, economic life, physiologically life, and etc.

Many are already dead in their marital lives. But we give God the glory for some of us who attended the just concluded Marriage with Family Life Conference. It has indeed quickened out marital lives.

There are those who are also dead in their economic lives, that is why they are either poor or rich through corrupt means.

Many others are dead in their physiological life that is why they are sick. It is not the will of God for our life that we die that is why He gave the rule. God never created man to die but to live forever.

It was sin that brought death.

That is why when we break this rule and suffer the consequence; there is nothing He can do about it other than to appeal to us to return to Him through repentance. Friend, most things people struggle with and go through in life are products of spiritual malnutrition.

We feed on other things but do not feed on what comes out of the mouth of God. We forget that what we eat will eventually eat us. If we eat what Comes out of the mouth of God, God will eat us up resulting in supernatural living and amazing blessings.

Let me reiterate again that we suffer what we suffer as men because we do not keep the first rule God made to govern our existence. We do not feed our spirits and live by what comes out of the mouth of God.


For example, many feeds on the headline news, secular humanism, self-help knowledge, the social media, the words of the aggrieved and etc.

Until we change our spiritual diet, we will not be able to stop what the enemy may be doing in our lives. The natural importance of good food is a revelation of the spiritual importance of feeding on what comes out of the mouth of God.

If you change what comes into your spirit, you will change what comes into your life. If you change what you feed your spirit with, you will change your life completely.

Let me state something to kingdom citizens at this point;

Sometimes when God want to change your life, He will give you a fresh preacher to feed you spiritually. He will give you a preacher after His heart for you to commit your time, treasures and talent to, for your spiritual feeding.

If that person shows up in your life and you do not commit, your life will keep going in a circle. He said to us in His word (Jeremiah 3:15-16) I will give you pastors after my heart who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.

He did not say He will give us prayer warriors, as important as they are. He said He will give us spiritual leaders who will feed us. That buttresses the truth that lack of proper spiritual food is the reason for the woes of mankind.

It is important to note that, your spiritual leader is either fooling you or feeding you. If you are fed, you will not be praying with oil, with water, with salt, or raising altars or silencing them. You will become the ark of God on the face of the earth.

As you embrace this day, do not forget that a healthy and proper spiritual feeding is the seed for a healthy spiritual life. You will never be free from any crisis until you are fed to overcome, and navigate your way out of it. Feeding is the key to freedom.

If you are truly fed in any Church you belong, you will be truly free and not be in need of deliverance.

As we step into a fresh month, make spiritual feeding the top priority of your life. Do not allow what will not give, or stimulate God’s divine life in you to enter your heart or soul, and take hold of it.

Feed on what comes out of the mouth of the LORD, and enjoy the blessings that the LORD has preplanned for you. Amen!!!


“But Jesus answered him, saying, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.'”  Luke 4:4 NKJV