“And He said, Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make Myself known to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream.

But not so with My servant Moses; he is entrusted and faithful in all My house.

With him I speak mouth to mouth [directly], clearly and not in dark speeches; and he beholds the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against My servant Moses?” Numbers 12:6-8 AMPC


Blessed be the name of the LORD who made it possible for us to see another great day today. It’s the second day of the tenth month of the year, and we glorify God for His goodness.

He has been faithful, merciful, and kind to us. His presence has been a refuge. To Him belong the glory!

If there is anytime we need a word from the LORD, it is now! The middle east is boiling as we read this. Bible Prophecies foretold seems to be happening faster than we think they would, these days. Some other parts of the world are not at peace either.

Even private lives are feeling one heat or the other. If there is any time we need a word from God every day, the time is now.

If God is not speaking to you directly and clearly, please look for those He is speaking to directly and clearly and treat them as prophetic hearing aids, so you can hear from God yourself.

Personally, I have come to discover that whenever God want to increase one’s grace, He will update the person’s revelation knowledge of Him. Whenever He wants to increase one’s dominion in the spirit, He will update or upgrade the person’s revelation of who He is.

The upgrade of a man’s revelation of God is Heaven’s way of increasing God’s dominion, grace and even power in a person’s life. That is why this season is important. A word from God is heaven’s medium of increasing our revelation of God.

It is Heaven’s way of increasing our stability to survive the rigors and horrors of our days. There have been no time that the Middle East did not boil, even when Israel had not recovered her land, that part of the earth was boiling.

Side by side these things is a prophecy that concerns the end time church. The prophecy is about a silent move of God, aimed at mobilizing a people of “end time exploits” into His Harvest field.

This people will function as an army that will stir the end time Church away from deception and empty religion, to the place of having an intimate knowledge of God.


“Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” Daniel 11:32 NKJV

Knowing GOD is the most important knowledge on the face of the earth. It is important to the council of Heaven.

How important is it, you might ask? It is very important. For instance, God is against boasting but He permits boasting in our knowledge of Him. That tells us how important it is to God for us to know Him.

But talking about boasting in righteous things, the reason God permits that we boast that we know Him is because it’s impossible for anyone to boast that he knows God when He is really revealed to him. You will walk in boldness but it is impossible to walk in pride when you know God.

You could boast of knowing “about” God, but you cannot boast of knowing God if you truly know God. The reason is because, the more of Him you know, the less of you you know, hence leading to humility.

Knowing God and knowing about Him are not the same. Knowing God is deep, but knowing about God is shallow! Knowing about God leaves a portion of our flesh alive, making it possible for us to blow up in pride.

But knowing GOD kills our flesh completely and keeps us in a state of humility because the more of God that is revealed to us, the more we realize that we are nothing.

In simple terms, schooling in the ways of GOD will reveal Him to you and reduce your pride level. That is why no one who really met GOD came out full of pride.

If you see someone who claim to have experienced God, or seen a vision or an angel from Him walking in pride, that person is lying. He or she did not experience God, or see whatever he or she claim.

If he or she saw anything, they came from the devil, the one who fills men with pride. I am sharing all these to tell us how God helps us to develop what we call Christian virtues – it is through the revelation of who He is to our human spirits.


Moses comes to mind at this point. The Bible made it clear that He spoke to God face to face. The result of that on His character was amazing. It made him the most faithful and trustworthy in God’s entire house. Which means, we can become better when we encounter God.

Yes, we can become more Godly, holy, pure, and upright when we know Him intimately. A major Highlight in our devotional text says,

“And He said, Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make Myself known to him in a vision and speak to him in a dream.

But not so with My servant Moses; he is entrusted and faithful in all My house. With him I speak mouth to mouth [directly], clearly and not in dark speeches; and he beholds the form of the Lord.

There is so much we can chew in this text. But we will limit ourselves to the emphasis of this devotional. It is important to note that character reformation is not possible where there is no revelation of who God is.

The revelation of God to Moses so much affected his character that there was no report of evil conduct in His life and ministry; conducts we hear today among some of us preachers, like sleeping with some of the women he brought out of Egypt, or “prophe-lying” to the Israelites to collect the gold the LORD gave them from Egypt.

Even if he was the man who stood on shadows to reveal Christ, he never asked anyone to raise an altar to be free from attacks. When they face attacks, they were never told to raise an altar or silence one.

Sometimes, I wonder why most preachers or Christians, who claim to either have seen angels, have deep encounters with God, or hear from Him, do not have Godly characters, pure deeds, or upright lives.


Divine encounters will leave a deposit of God’s holiness behind whenever it happens. So, when we claim to be having encounters with God yet living dirty lives comfortably, we should check our claims. God will never leave those He encounters comfortable in their sins, heresies or etc.

They will never retain a godless, sinful, or impure life thereafter. The Bible says Moses saw the form of God like most preachers claim today, but the difference was it changed his life forever.

He became the meekest man on earth. Not the proudest man on earth.

He was full of integrity and there were no manipulations in his leadership style. He did not take advantage of the people. He never told them to sow seed into his life having saved them from the hand of Pharaoh. He was too meek to rob them the way most of us preachers do today!

The reason for sinful living and ungodliness in the Church today is partly because of the absence of the true revelation of who God is.

Most people have secular humanism spiced with scriptures as revelation. I have shared it again and again; there is a lot of ZOMBIFICATION of the Sons of God today while the earth is waiting for the MANIFESTATION of the sons of God. It’s really sad.

What is the message of today’s devotional? The message is simple; Godly character is achieved through deep encounters with God – I mean the true God. When God reveal Himself to you over time, it’s like taking a snap shot; His likeness will be super imposed in your spirit resulting in a Godly living. That is the secret!

In summary, I want you to understand that Schooling in the things of GOD will reveal more of God to you.

Understand that, the more God is revealed to you, the less of yourself you will become. The less of yourself you become, the more of Godly character people will see in you.

The easiest way God shapes our Character therefore, is through the revelation of who He is; especially in the school of hard things as revealed in the life of Job.

May God use this word to improve your “walk” and “talk” with HIM in Jesus precious name! Amen!


“I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now my eye sees you. Therefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes.”  Job 42:5-6 NKJV