TODAY’S DEVOTIONAL (Tuesday 23rd February 2021)

“All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” Matthew 11:27-30 NKJV


Higher Heights in Christ are products of deeper places in God.

There are four kinds of depths in God. You will never experience greats heights of faith if you are still in the shallow places. You must move to the deeper places to experience greater heights in life.

One way the LORD take us to deeper places is by moving us from faith to faith. Since faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of the LORD, God will move us from faith to faith by speaking to us from time to time; or taking us from truth to truth. The truth we saw yesterday was on digging the wells of Revival.

Like we say yesterday, the digging of wells of revival is one major faith position that the end time saints will take as we prepare for the glorious appearing of Jesus Christ, and as the wicked do more wickedly. Today, the LORD want to take us to another truth that will add to the building blocks of our faith.

I have come to discover that no work of darkness can be successfully expelled out of our lives until light is put to work. Genesis chapter one shows us God’s answer to any darkness problem. Sin, sickness, poverty, and all forms of spiritual attacks are darkness problems. It will take light from the LORD to solve them.

Yes, we may pray, fast, give and do whatever seems powerful if we have not sat down to receive light and understanding from the LORD of Heaven and earth, who Himself is the light of the world, the best we will keep having is RELIEVE we will never have REST.

Amazingly, as we can see in our devotional text this morning, Jesus never promised us relief. He promised us rest, and that comes by schooling in the things of GOD. It is through schooling in the things of God that we can see God command light out of every darkness, and giving us rest from the days of adversity.


“Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

This scripture is full of truths to glean! The first thing we can see here tells us what schooling in the things of God will do to us. It tells us what a learning posture at the feet of the master will do in our walk and talk with the LORD. It is the key to entering into rest from the days of adversity. It is the key to receiving rest from Our Savior.

He said “take my yoke upon you and learn from me…and you will find rest for your souls.” He did not say “take bottles of oil and drink and you will find rest for your souls.” He did not say “use salt, sand, water, sticks, brooms, mats, or whatever, to pray and you will find rest for your soul.” He did not say give some money when you commit certain sins and you will find rest for your soul.

He did not say any of these things that many preachers are making people do. It is important when you read the Bible to note what Jesus did not say! Because you will never find God if you read the Bible without taking note of what God did not say. That is why many have not found the true God in spite of their professions of the faith.

Most Christians are in error and under the grip of heretic teachers and lying prophets because they either do not read the Bible or they read it without taking note of what Jesus did not say!

For instance, He did not say “sow seeds for divine activation and you will find rest for your souls.” A lady who was promised marital rest was told to give a million shilling. She did and she remained restless. When you give money for what ought to come through schooling, you will never get it.

You must understand that god blessed us with more when we give according to His standard, but rest does not come through giving. If it does many of us that have been giving would have been getting it. Rest comes through schooling in the things of GOD! It was schooling that gave me rest from the days of adversity not giving. In fact, it added efficacy to my giving.


Now how many of us are really learning of Him? It is sad that so many churches are full of empty people; people who have not experienced Him, come to talk of learn of Him. That is why He did not even say “attend any Church and you will find rest for your soul” as important as Church attendance is. He said “learn of me!”

Meaning you can attend a church and not learn of Him. Many preachers have a wrong motive for ministry. That is why you find most Churches empty of the revelation of God. You find many full of the revelation of demons and all they are capable of doing in the lives of people.

Others are empty of the revelation of God but full of the revelation of money making, sowing this seed and that seed because that is what profits the preachers financially! Very few people who have been in Church for many years have really learnt of Him. That is why the majority is still restless in every aspect of Life.

The next thing we find in our devotional text shows us why Heaven attached REST to schooling. Jesus said something that is very profound in that text – something I have never seen until this morning while writing this devotional. He opened my eyes to see what happens where people are schooled in the things of God and why REST is always the result.

The Bible says,

“All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and no one knows the Son except the Father. Nor does anyone know the Father except the Son, and the one to whom the Son wills to reveal Him. Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

A major statement in this scripture makes it clear that in as much as God want to reveal Himself to us, Only Jesus can reveal Him to us. Sadly, many do not know that Jesus is God! Therefore, you will never know God until Christ is revealed to you. He is the Highest revelation of God to man on this side of eternity.

Many are confused on this because they read the Bible without allowing the Holy Spirit to unveil things to them. Some do not even have the Holy Spirit to unveil anything to them.


Jesus was man for just 33 and half years (or let me say God in man), but He is God. He said,

“no one can KNOW the Father-God except those who He the Son-GOD wills to reveal Him to.”

So when He said,

“come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest…learn of me and you will find rest for your souls,”

He was in effect telling us WHAT we will learn of Him when we come to be schooled. In simple terms we will catch the revelation of who the Father is.

The Father will be revealed to us. Hallelujah!

And when the Father is revealed to us, we will come into His Rest for our lives. It is the revelation of the Father to us that actually gives us rest from the days of adversity. That is what makes schooling in the things of God different from schooling in other things.

When we are schooled in the things of God, He will be revealed to us. When He is revealed to us, light will shine in our spirits and expel (or cast) every form of darkness out of our lives! It will cast out sickness, economic hardship, spiritual attacks, and all works of the devil and the flesh bring us to the realm where we experience the works of God alone.

It therefore pays to be schooled in the things of GOD!

As we bring this to a close I want to make something clear to you; if there is a promise of God pending in your life, you will never come into its manifestation until you are schooled in the things of God concerning that promise.

Between the declaration of a divine promise and its performance there is a middle ground of divine process. And part of the process for the manifestation of every word of promise is schooling in the things of God on that promise.

If therefore, GOD gives you a word and you go sitting down doing nothing but just looking out for it to come to pass, you will die without seeing it come to pass. A word of promise from God is most times a call to be schooled. That is why you must change your church if your church is not schooling you. Mary had to be school buy Gabriel on how the word of promise will come to pass in her life. It took a glorious moment for it to happen.

You may need much more than that one glorious moment of schooling to move from the declaration of God’s word for your life to the manifestation of that word in your life.


They are too ignorant in the things of God to see those things God promised them come to pass. Most are very knowledgeable in the thing of devils and his evil spirits hence compounding their problems.

When God speaks a word to you, ask Him where you need to go and plant yourself to be schooled in His things for that word to come to pass. Because waiting upon the LORD does not imply inactivity. It implies doing the proper things that will position you properly for the release of God in your life. And one of those things is to get enrolled in the school of the Spirit where you will be schooled in the things of God until His word come to pass in your life.

What is the message of this devotional this morning?

Ignorance of the things of God is the only reason for no rest or delayed blessings in the lives of God’s Children. The Bible made it clear that until we see well into the plans and purposes of God for our lives (or come into the revelation of the things of God through schooling), He will not hasten His word to perform.

It says,

“Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, “Jeremiah, what do you see?” And I said, “I see a branch of an almond tree.” Then the Lord said to me, “You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.” Jeremiah 1:11-12 NKJV

Until we see well God will not make any move to perform anything He may have promised us. Seeing well is therefore key to terminating delayed blessings in our lives. When we see well we position ourselves well. But we cannot see well until we are schooled in the things of God.

It’s my prayer that God will use what He has shared with us this morning to improve our daily walk and talk with Him in Jesus precious name! AMEN!


“Wisdom calls aloud outside; She raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city She speaks her words:

‘How long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? For scorners delight in their scorning, And fools hate knowledge.

Turn at my rebuke; Surely I will pour out my spirit on you; I will make my words known to you. Proverbs 1:20-23 NKJV