“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” Matthew 11:28-29 NKJV


When the creator of the universe invites you for rest, it will be really stupid to turn it down. Yet that is what many humans do.

Jesus invited us to rest in Him; it’s been over 2000 years now.

Generations have come and gone, with most humans not accepting His invitation. Our own generation is here, and many are still resisting Him in all fronts.

However, that is a subject for another day.

Welcome to a brand-new day from the LORD. Whatever happened to you yesterday that might be bad, please let it die with it. This is the day that the LORD has made, let’s rejoice and be glad in it.

Wars may have been stirred against you yesterday, but there is a word from the LORD for you today; a word I believe you need to start the day with.

Permit me under GOD, to share with you some highlights on, “The Revelation of Jesus Christ.” This is different from what is being presented as the revelation of Jesus Christ by some present-day heretics.

I am referring to the revelation of Jesus Christ in the Bible.

The revelation of Jesus Christ, was the rock upon which the true Church was built, when it all began in the days of our Bible fathers. That was the rock Jesus referred to when He said, “Upon this rock I will build my Church; and the gates of hades will not prevail against it.”

A Christian life that is rooted on any other revelation, other than that of Jesus Christ, is founded on a false foundation.

A Christian life rooted in the revelation of altars, use of oil, water, salt, and all that we hear today is not founded on the right revelation. It will never have the rest that Jesus promised. It will always be in need of deliverance.

If we will have rest from the days of adversity, we must be ready to meet Christ. But we cannot really meet Him until He is revealed to us by the Holy Ghost.

Sadly, the end time Church seems full of revelations but we are yet to come into the revelation of Jesus Christ. Some have the revelation of what He gives (healing, deliverance, prosperity, peace, marriage, etc) but all seems not to have the revelation of who He is.

There is a difference between a revelation on deliverance and a revelation of the deliverer himself.


The Church is full of the revelation of what He does, but most people lack the revelation of who He is. You find it in how they conduct themselves, how they pray, where they worship, what they say, etc.

For instance, someone with the revelation of Jesus Christ, will never say if you are not tithing you will not make Heaven. Neither will he or she use deliverance inventions like oil, water, salt, candle, photos, etc. to pray.

You will not find someone with the revelation of Jesus Christ, raising or silencing altars, or leading others to do the same.

You will not find someone with the revelation of Jesus Christ, following sorcerers in the garments of prophets, or worshiping under any perverse man or woman of God because Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, the voice of a stranger they will not follow”.

You will never find someone with the revelation of Jesus Christ, wherever a church operates as a money-making machine, a political party, a metaphysical cult, a place of theatrical performance or a social club.

You will only find them on grounds and pillars of truth, where the spirits of just men are made perfect.

Actually, the darkness in the current church has cut off many from greater realms of glory, and thrusted them into the realm of dark spirits and sinful living. It succeeded because many in our generation lack personal revelation of the glorious One Himself – Jesus Christ.

In fact, there are Christians with the revelation of their prophets, papas, and mamas. They are so full of it that they do not even know the LORD.

The blame is on us spiritual leaders. So many of us have failed God in the area of doctrine.

We preach and teach anything that will put money in our pockets, fill our church halls with great number of attendants to boast about, build a social media following, etc.

You find the few who preach Jesus, only preaching about Him, and not really Him. Consequently, so many church members are restless. They move from man of God to man of God, because there is no rest in their lives.


Friend, is it not evident that there is no true rest among believers today? We use holy oil, holy water, holy fruits, and all kinds of deliverance inventions to display how helpless we have become.

That is why those who listen to preachers who preach and teach about what Jesus does instead of who He is, are yet to come into the rest He promised. They are rather restless; going from prophet to prophet, prayer house to prayer house, and all that.

Our devotional text this morning said,

“Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

No matter what you are going through the solution lies in your understanding of this statement. If you do not understand this statement or are ignorant of it completely, you will never receive true rest from the LORD.

Always remember, Satan destroys through what you are ignorant of, and God can only save you through what you perfectly know and understand. The Bible says through knowledge shall the righteous be delivered not through empty prayers.

That is why if you come to church and meet anointed people for prayers but did not meet Jesus, the one who anointed them, your life will never have rest.

You see, we may meet anointed pastors, bishops, prophets, apostles, or prophetesses for prayers, but until they connect us to Jesus Christ Himself, we will always have relief and never have rest.

Most preachers only know how to connect the afflicted to their personal anointing, not Jesus Christ Himself; that is why their core revelation has to do with, “Tapping into the anointing, sowing this seed, honoring the prophet by almost worshiping them, or raising that sacrificial seed, and etc…”


They will ask even those who may be dying of starvation to tap into the grace they carry with their money, sometimes using the story of the widow of Zarephath as an anchor; even if they do not have.

The time has come for us to uncover God’s way of connecting to Jesus Christ, and not just connecting Him, but living in Him, and He In us.

Now, how do we connect Him, live in Him, and He in us? How do we meet Him to start with?

That is where the subject of the revelation of Jesus Christ comes in. A personal revelation of Jesus to you will connect you to Him permanently; it is the only revelation that will turn your life around.

You must stop seeking the revelation of who is killing you, who is stopping you from getting married, or getting a job, etc. because that is the frequency of witch doctors, representatives of dark deities, and sorcerers in church.

You must start seeking the revelation of Jesus Christ.

If you look at the pool of false doctrines, false prophets, and false teachers in the Church today, you will see what is giving them life.

You will find people who are seeking for the revelation and death of their enemies, as the pillars and oxygen of their rise and success.

Child of God, if you are not sold out to seeking the revelation of Jesus Christ; if you are not driven with a passion to know Him like Paul did, you will never have rest in life, you will find yourself becoming a support base of false or dark ministers of the gospel.

The Bible is clear about the peace status of people who support falsehood. They will be visited by wormwood. I have seen so many visited, please do not add to the number.

God wants us to become seekers of personal revelation of Christ. He wants us to get back to the Christianity that sort the LORD and a personal revelation of who He is daily. That is the Christianity of our Bible Fathers.

If you begin to embrace that Christianity, you will find God giving you a pastor after His heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding. Then you will see the blessing of rest breaking forth in your life.

It is my prayer that God will use this devotional, to align you with Himself in a more perfect way, so that all that He may have promised you, will begin to manifest in your life, in Jesus’ precious name. Amen!!


“But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.

For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Galatians 1:11-12 NKJV