TODAY’S DEVOTION (Friday 3rd January 2025)
“One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.” Psalm 27:4 NKJV
I believe our year of victory has its foundation in other prophetic declarations that were made over our lives and ministry from 2014, 11 years ago. From the Great Mercies and the Greater things declaration, to other declarations, we can say GOD has indeed been great.
He has been doing great things for us, and greater things He will do. There is nothing He does that is usually small in size or significance. All we need to do is to synchronize our desires to one thing; dwelling in the place of His manifest presence.
He has been great in mercies, kindness, presence and in power.
The power of His greatness is simply beyond human comprehension. Creation speaks of His greatness. The endless Oceans and galaxies and all that man is calling the 7 wonders of the world, speaks of His greatness. The real name should have been the 7 wonders of God in creation.
It is from the fountain of God’s greatness that the Year of Victory prophecy will be performed in our lives. My faith in the prophecy is anchored in the revelation of His greatness. It is His greatness that guarantees our victory over the flesh, the world and the devil in this world.
The prophecy did not say there will not be battles. It says there will be victory!
Meaning, any battles that may come have been taken care of by the God who can live in the past, present or future, all at the same time. We are not expecting anything less than what He has said, because He stood in the future to say what He said. He stood there and describe how He has made our future to look like, in one word; and that word is VICTORY!!!
When God stands in the past to speak, it is called reflections. When He stands in the present to speak, it is called the Rhema word. But when He stands in the future to speak to us in the present, it is called revelation; prophetic revelation.
The Bible says, where there is no prophetic revelation people perish, or cast-off restraint. In other words. They will lack what to be looking up to as they live their days, leading to death, destruction, sorrow or any other unpleasant things.
He does great things and greater things; making the paths of the uncompromising righteous to shine brighter and brighter unto a perfect day! When you see a small people looking or becoming great, it is because they are riding on the wings of God’s greatness.
This year, you will ride on the wings of His greatness into pre planned victories. Do not forget, in Isaiah chapter 60 verse 22, God Himself said that, “A little one shall become a thousand and a small one a strong nation, I, the LORD, will hasten it in its time.” That is why no small people remain small, when they begin to depend on the great God.
Spend each day this year, depending on the great God. The story of a small David and a big giant need to be revisited for the purpose of clarity.
The Bible made it clear that whenever God want to reveal Himself and demonstrate His greatness, He does not use great people; He uses small people. If He use great people no one will see His greatness. He will always use small people so that all will see how great He is.
That is the truth we can glean in the story of David! If you see yourself as small and inadequate, do not worry, you just fit to be used of the LORD this year.
Do not forget, for 40 days a giant stood over a national army boasting and throwing out challenges at them. None could raise their heads against him. None could depend on a great God to confront him.
They all heard a generational victory prophecy sitting over them, like we have today. But none was bold enough to step into it. The entire army shrank in fear and receded into their shells. Even Saul the king, could not depend on the anointing of God upon his life and take the risk to step into the victory prophecy.
He came to give food and supplies to his brothers who were in the army, but met an opportunity to step into the victory prophecy and reveal the Greatness of the God of Israel. The rest, as they say is History.
What is the revelation here? The revelation is simple. Get set for the opportunities the LORD will create for you this year; opportunities like what He created for David, to reveal Himself by your hands and manifest the victory prophecy.
Remember, there are giants from the kingdom of darkness to bring down in our generation too; and do not forget that whenever a big devil faces a small people, it is for God’s greatness to be revealed. The small people should not shrink in fear and run away, they should rather charge into battle like Joshua and Caleb, the way David did, and bring glory to God.
I have come to discover that, God will most times allow big things to face His small people, so that His greatness can be revealed through them. Hallelujah!
When God says it’s a year of Victory, He is also saying it’s a year that battles will be won amazingly. Yes, the devils might be greater than we saw last year, but the world and the people around us, are going to see God revealing His greatness through us.
You may be the smallest in your family and serving the LORD. You may be the smallest in your office, your city or business place. There may be big devils and giants around, roaring at you and threatening fire and brim stone. Please, don’t panic. You are serving a great God.
The great God usually use small people to reveal His greatness to men. So, stand strong! He will reveal His greatness in every situation that comes our way this year.
Our devotional text today revealed a part of David that Israel never had. He was deeply intimate with God but King Saul and the rest of Israel was not. He was a small man who spent His hours communing with a great God.
His life still speaks today. It speaks truths. One of it is this; no small man commune with a great God and remain small. He will stand before great devils and unlock the greatness of God. That was who David was.
His passion for the presence of God is written all over the book of Psalms. A major highlight in our devotional text says;
“One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to inquire in His temple.”
When the LORD said, it is our year of Victory, that was a by-your-side declaration from God. If God is by your side, and you are not intimate with Him, you will never see what He said come to pass in your life. You will never see Him rise against the enemy when He comes against you.
That is why many Christians suffer defeat in spite of God being by their side.
In dreams and visions, they will see Him by their side. Through genuine New Testament prophets, and the Holy Spirit in their lives, they will know He is by their side. But nothing great will be happening in their lives for lack of genuine intimacy with the LORD who is by their side.
As we bring this to a close, it is important to note that divine backing can only be visible in our lives if we walk right before God, and live a life of faith that is born in our hearts through intimacy or fellowship with God the Holy Spirit.
Divine backing is a blessing that only speaks if we are intimate with the God who is by our side. Amen!!
It is my prayer that all we have seen this morning will spark a move of God in our lives that will bring us to the place of ultimate fulfilment in 2025. Amen
“Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.” Genesis 28:15 NKJV