TODAY’S DEVOTION (Wednesday 29th January 2020)
“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree; He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.”
“They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing, to declare that the Lord is upright; He is my rock, and there is no unrighteousness in Him.” Psalms 92:12-15 NKJV
In our Bible Class this week, we are handling a very touchy topic, SPENDING YOUR DAYS AS YOU SHOULD. The Spirit of counsel has already spoken and given us three of the many ways to spend our earthly days. One of the ways to spend our days is to spend it with SUFFICIENT REVELATION of our eternal purpose in time. That is where the subject of our divine destiny comes in.
Our divine destiny refers to the events that GOD has prepared and planned that they happen to us in future. It is to be fulfilled not hindered. If our divine destinies are hindered, it will create a lot of problems in our lives, because the events men or devils prepared or planned to happen to us in their own version of our future will happen.
That is why divine destiny is like a seed that need to be planted in a good and fertile soil to be fulfilled. If your life is not situated in the right spiritual and natural location, your destiny will not be fulfilled – in simple terms.
In the Kingdom of God mysteries pursue us because God want to be known! God does not want to be unknown. If you are therefore in a place where the revelation of men is present and that of God is absent, you will have a lot to battle with in Life or ministry. You will just be living in a ball of darkness in the spirit realm.
We have been looking at the things your destiny will need to be unleashed or fulfilled. Many are not fulfilling their divine destinies simply because the seed of destiny God buried in them is not being supplied with what it needs to kick, grow, and manifest.
We outlined that the first thing our divine destiny needs to be fulfilled is a living relationship with Jesus Christ the LORD of our destiny. The second is countless hours in His presence. That is why those who fulfilled their destinies in Scriptures where men of deep friendship with GOD.
The constant presence of the LORD in your life is one of the major supplies your divine destiny will need to be fulfilled. A major highlight in our devotional text said:
“The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree; He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon. Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall still bear fruit…
Bearing fruit implies releasing a divine destiny or executing God’s pre-determined plans for your life. However, if you are not planted in the house of God your divine destiny will never flourish. In other words, it will never be unleashed.
You must be planted in the house of God to be supplied with the power and presence from Heaven that you need to become what God created you to be come. It takes a power and presence from Heaven to become what God wants you to become. And that supply can only come to you if you are planted in the house of God.
What is the house of God? Jacob in Genesis 28:16-17 gave us an accurate description of what the house of God is. Don’t forget, though he did not attend a theological school he had face to face encounters its God. It takes encounter to truly know God not information. So, his description of the house of God is accurate the most accurate.
In other words, he made it clear that the house of God is not a building but anywhere God’s heavenly portals open over you. It could be in the conference hall of a hotel, your bedroom, your toilet, your Church building, anywhere.
If you can therefore locate the place where God usually open His portal over you, be it a weekly meeting like our deep intimacy sessions or a time of personal reflection, prayer and dedication; and plant yourself there, you will begin to flourish. Your destiny will begin to kick and get unleashed.
The gifts of the Spirit that may have died in you will come alive. The supernatural abilities that you once had that no longer exist will be restored. Your fire will be restored. In simply terms you will begin to flourish in the courts of our God. Hallelujah!!
That brings us to the subject of spending countless hours in His presence. Wherever God’s portals open over you is the place to be; it is the place to spend countless hours with the LORD.
I submit to you in conclusion that the second key to the release of your divine destiny is countless hours in the presence of God. That will bring you to the place in the spirit where you will be planted. When you are planted in His presence, you carry the shadow of glory wherever you go.
It’s a new day for you!
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms.
For the Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods. In His hand are the deep places of the earth; the heights of the hills are His also.
The sea is His, for He made it; and His hands formed the dry land. Oh come, let us worship and bow down; Let us kneel before the Lord our Maker. Psalms 95:1-6 NKJV