TODAY’S DEVOTIONAL (Tuesday 31st August 2021)

“And He said to them, “You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.” Luke 16:15 NKJV


Blessed be the name of the LORD who has given us another day. As they say, yesterday is a tomb, tomorrow is a womb. Today is a gift from God. Make use of it.

It is also the last day of the month, making August 2021 a tomb also. We will never see it again. But we give God the glory for all He did in our lives during the month. Apart form the spiritual success we experience, God also kept us from lack and illnesses. He kept us from the will of our enemies and made sure we were not given over to their teeth.

Many of us even sinned against the LORD, but He still kept us and watched over us despite our unholy acts and conducts. Like I have always said, if God withhold punishment for sin from us, it is a seed sown into our lives to bring forth fruit of righteousness when next we are tempted.

I believe we are going to resolve to bear fruits of righteousness in the new month. Amen and amen!

Transition times can be difficult sometimes, especially if you are moving from one month to another with failed hopes and expectations. There is always the temptation of spending the time thinking about things you did wrong, or those things you cannot change.

That is when the principle in our opening comment comes in. Yesterday is a tomb. Burry whatever you found there that you could not change and leave it in the hands of the resurrection and the life – Jesus Christ.

Don’t get buried with yesterday! The only role yesterday should help play in our lives today is in the area of wisdom. the past should be our wisdom collection center not our center for collecting worries and regrets.

God wants your past to be your teacher not your troubler. When you see God reminding you of your past, which He does sometimes, it is to teach you from what happened then. It is not to help you build a residence there.


“Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19 KJV

The word remember means do not build a camp there. You may recall for the purpose of wisdom collection but do not build a residence there. The past is to be LEARNED FROM not LIVED IN. I hope you understand me!

People who lean on the past or live in it gets buried in the tomb of the past over time. But those who learn from it gets set for the blessing in the womb of an approaching future. You must understand these truths and align your life to them, especially if you are fighting a bad past. We can only move from a bad past to a glorious future through these truths.

One of the greatest apostle of Jesus Christ that had a bad past to press away from said;

“Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,

I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. “Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV

From this scripture it’s clear that as soon as yesterday is gone, you stop pressing into it. In other words, we do not press into yesterday because it is a tomb. We press into the future.

Pressing into yesterday is like opening a grave and getting into it to burry yourself in it. You will suffocate and die for nothing. Most health complications are caused by that. The people broke down in Health when they decided to press into yesterday instead of pressing into the future using the grace of today.


Tomorrow is the womb that carries all the blessing the LORD has prepared for us. Yesterday is the womb that contains all we should allow time to burry and kill completely for us. We must understand that!

One way we press into the future is by deliberately forgetting the things that are behind, and spending our days pressing into GOD given goals that are ahead of us. If you do not have any, your past will consume you one day. To enter a glorious future from a bad past, a divine goal to press into daily will be required.

We must get a goal from the LORD and spend each day pursuing it to be able to move from a bad past.

Now, there are so many GOD given goals that have already been established in scriptures. One of these goals is preparing for the next life while living or using a present life to serve your generation according to the will of GOD.

This goal is an established one every one must adopt. You don’t need to engage in a lengthy fast seeking one yet, just begin with this and God will unfold others to you. People who have this goal live their lives differently. They do not celebrate worldly things like the perverse.

They do not do things like St. Valentine’s day and etc.

We are not in February but let me share something that will be of help. I took a scriptural gaze at what many do with the “valentine thing,” and it clearly shows the reality of how far, even some spiritual leaders, have separated from GOD. Because they still carry the anointing, the shallow minded cannot discern that they are separated from God.

The gifts and callings of God are without repentance, so when a man of God becomes separated from God in spirit, he will loose “the glory” but not “the anointing.” You must understand that. Yes, He will still have the anointing but it will become corrupt over time for lack of repentance.


He will begin to celebrate what the world celebrates, and exalt what they exalt, basically to keep his Church growing and himself smiling to the bank, even when the members are ignorantly smiling to hell.

Friend, it’s a reality that the world has actually become Churchy and the Church worldly. There is an exchange in the spirit and this is hurting the heart of the three that bears witness in Heaven – the God Head. The prophetic ear is picking and expressing it on earth through the prophetic finger, though many seems not to be seeing or sensing it.

When a spiritual leader is not in the know of what is going on in the Heart of the Godhead, He will not see divine sense in what is expressed by the prophetic finger. The same is applicable to those who are led by them.

These are the things that Christians who are pursuing the goal of getting ready for the next life must always have in mind.

Sometimes I ask myself, if the original apostles were here with us would they have been involved in all these? Why should a Church of Jesus Christ be so concerned with St. Valentine and other sex activation celebrations?

I know the Valentine story very well. It began with a Catholic priest. It was a true and untainted story about agape love and sacrifice. But why has it become so exalted among men; even in the Church today? I think the answer is in our devotional.

A major line in it says;

“For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.”

How do you know or recognize something that has become an abomination in the sight of GOD? It will be exalted among men; especially those who live in darkness both in and outside the church.

The exaltation being given to the St. Valentine story is clear to all Sons of God that it has become an abomination in the sight of God.

Valentine Day today has become a day used for the worship of the goddess of sexual love. I see so many funny things on the social media sadly from churches whenever it is observed. God help the Church!


Today, there is a second coming of this spirit and Valentine Day presents it with the opportunity to defy more souls and deepen their eternal damnation.

The truth is, love is not sex neither is sex love. Ask the married who are going through hard time in their marriages. Even in the midst of conflict, the women still get pregnant. Jacob hated Leah but he got her pregnant over 5 times. So love is not sex neither is sex a true expression of love.

The philosophy that says sex is an expression of love is promoted by worshipers of the sex goddess who doubles as its messengers on the face of the earth. They are the apostles of the filth of the Valentine Day. Even in Church they promote the filth and use it to stimulate sexual desire in God’s children.

They even advise couples to use it to lubricate their marriages.

You may not like this but “if you need a valentine day to keep your marriage blissful then you are married to a dog-man or dog-woman not a Godly man or woman.” That marriage will soon pack because marriage is not for dogs but Godly people.

If there is any time the Saints need to be urged to keep close watch over their souls, it is now! If preparation for the next life by accepting Christ and serving your generation according to His will is your goal in life, you must learn to separate yourself from every extra Scriptural activity in church.

As we close the curtains of this month, and step into the 9th month of the year, may our past remain a wisdom collection center of us, and may we spend the rest of our days watching over our souls under God. Amen


“Don’t let people call you a traitor for staying true to God. Don’t you panic as so many of your neighbors are doing when they think of Syria and Israel attacking you.

Don’t fear anything except the Lord of the armies of heaven! If you fear him, you need fear nothing else.” Isaiah 8:12-13 TLB