“God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well.

This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels.” 2 Thessalonians 1:6-7 NIV


Today is the last day of the month. We thank God for His great mercies in our lives. It has been a month of His kindness and marvelous deeds. We give him the glory for all that we saw and experienced.

We believe that the arm of His faithfulness will be with us in the next month, and keep carrying us through and through, until we fulfill our days in righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. Amen!!

We will be looking into the justice system of God as we wrap up this month. Knowledge is power, as they say. Knowing the justice system of the judge of the whole earth, is an important faith action to take.

People who know His justice system, worship Him better than those who do not know.

That is the dichotomy between the Christianity of today and the faith that was once delivered to the saints in Bible days. A lot of present-day believers, do not know God’s justice system. They do not even care about it.

God has an amazing justice system that if you truly understand will make your life exciting on earth. It is the very system He uses in ruling over the earth as the judge of all.

When you become intimate with GOD, the first lesson the Holy Spirit will pass you through is the revelation of the justice system of God. One aspect you will quickly learn is the aspect that says, “God is Just.”

Yes, God is so just that He does not justify the wicked. He is so just that He does not forsake the righteous. He is so just that He makes sure no one who serves Him faithfully goes unrewarded. Indeed, our God is a just God!

The Bible says;

“… the Lord our God is just in all his works which he hath done: for we have not hearkened to his voice.” Daniel 9:14 Douay-Rheims

He is so just that He forgives the sinner who repents and takes away the consequences of His sins; no matter how heavy they may be.

Jesus demonstrated this when He healed a man who had been sick for many years because of his sins.


Sin brings things upon our lives, and more sins bring worst things. That is what we can learn from what the LORD said to that man.

His just nature makes repentance from sin, iniquity and trespass, the only escape route from hell and all other consequences of sin both in time and eternity. Sadly, many do not know the power of repentance that is why they do not pursue it.

Born again is actually a Child of repentance.

When you say you are born again, you are saying you have repented from your sins. When you say you have repented from your sins, it means you should not be found in them again.

Repentance will give to you blessings that no other act of worship in the kingdom will ever give to you, because God is just. God is so just that He is not moved by the boastful professions of our mouth. He is only moved by the states of our hearts.

Yes, I believe in faith and confession, but until your heart is acceptable to God, the words of your mouth will not be acceptable to Him.

So many in Church are yet to catch a revelation of God as a just God. That is why they do not even understand what the grace of God came to do.

Many think it came to strengthen our hands in sin, or delete God’s hate for sin from His heart. That will make Him an imbecile.

God has not lost His hate for sin that is why people still go to hell. He remains a just God whose eyes cannot behold iniquity my friend. He is still so just that He will make sure we get only what we deserve.

Where we deserve mercy He will show us mercy.

Where we deserve purging, He will purge us using the power of His grace. And where we deserve chastisement He will chastise us. Where we refuse to repent of our sins He will make sure we know how just He is by allowing the sorrows of sin to catch up with us.


I pray someone reading this will ask the LORD for a revelation of His just nature. It is this nature of God that makes sure those who sow sparingly reap sparingly and those who sow bountifully reap bountifully.

Yes, God is just. So, no matter how much you claim you love the LORD, if you do not sow good deeds, you will not reap good deeds. If you do not obey His word, the blessing of obedience cannot follow you.

If you do not seed your substance as a kingdom steward, you will not reap the results of doing so.

Maybe let be share something about the word “sowing” in God’s kingdom.

It has been bastardized and turned into a stealing and scamming system by money minded preachers. But sowing in God’s Kingdom is not a word for collecting money in Church. It is much more than that.

It is a word that is used to describe the price you pay for worshiping God, either with your time, your talent, or your treasure. It is all about the price we pay to respond to the word of the LORD. That is why it is not just treasures we sow in God’s kingdom, there are other things we sow.

We can sow prayers, fasting, obedience, purity, consecration, and etc. into the soil of God’s will, way and word, and reap so much if we do it bountifully.

For instance, in God’s kingdom, if you do not sow prayers in purity bountifully, you will not reap power bountifully. If you do not sow fasting bountifully, you will not reap the blessings bountifully.

If you do not sow money into God’s will bountifully, you will not reap bountifully.

To bring forth many blessings in your life, you must understand that God is a just God and relate with Him as such.

That is why I tell pastors who ask their members to sow prayer, fasting, money and sacrifice unto the LORD while they watch, to stop the madness. God is a just God! He will bless your members and leave you poor for not doing what you asked them to do.

Then you will start putting them under pressure to give you the money God blessed them with for obeying His word! God is a just God my friend. Tap your own portion of His just nature.


He will not do what we think He said; neither will He do what we claim He said. He will do only what He says. That is why if you understand His just nature you will be accurate in your prophecies and expectations.

Misunderstanding or adding to the word of the LORD will frustrate and disappoint your expectations because God is just and does only what He says. The first few sentences of our devotional text today say, “God is just: He will pay back…”

That to me holds the message. God is just, He will pay back. Hallelujah!!

God is like a big fruitful land, that makes sure whatever you sow in Him brings back a harvest in proportion to your seed or actions. When you sow wickedness as a seed, you get wickedness as the harvest.

When you sow kindness as a seed, you get kindness as the harvest.

That is why the Bible says, “Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy.” Whatever you do in God will be paid back to you proportionally! That is why no one sinner goes unpunished in God except there is repentance.

When Daniel was interceding for Israel, he said,

“The Lord was mindful of the calamity, and He brought it on us. For the Lord our God is just in all He has done, and we have not obeyed him” (Daniel 9:14).

God is so just that He brings calamity upon the disobedient.

On the other hand, no one who is righteous goes unrewarded except he or she becomes weary and slips back into lawlessness. And those who trouble the righteous will receive their payback either in time or eternity.

Those who hate and speak ill of God’s true servants, will lose divine protection and expose their lives to demonic spirits. That is how just our God is. Yesterday we spoke about the life and style of God’s throne.

One of it is alignment with the tenants of His justice system.

God is just. He is so just that He can take away sickness from the body of those who are truly serving His will, and make sure that no diseases of the Egyptians come upon them.

He is so just that He can bless the bread and water of those who serve His will, and bring those who are bound but pliable in His hands, into prosperity. Except your life is in conflict with His will, God will not leave you in trouble because He is a just God.

So, as we embrace this last day of the 8th month of our year of Impact, and as we move into the 9th month, it is my prayer that the Holy Spirit will keep our hearts aflame with these truths and align our ways with God’s throne. Amen


“Get wisdom! Get understanding! Do not forget, nor turn away from the words of my mouth. Do not forsake her, and she will preserve you; Love her, and she will keep you.” Proverbs 4:5-6 NKJV